The AIQ team
Loyalty Marketing

AIQ updates for November 29th, 2022

AUTHOR: The AIQ team

New features, optimizations and bug fixes from November 29th, 2022.


  • New - Toggle to require campaigns created by 'Marketing' level users to be approved by higher user permissions.

    • Settings > Team Members > Role Permissions

    • It's good to get a second eye on things before publishing them into the cannasphere so we created a toggle to disable the ability for users with 'Marketing' level roles to set campaigns to live. Once disabled, campaigns published by 'Marketing' users will automatically be moved to a 'Pending Approval' campaign folder and users with permissions higher than 'Marketing' will receive an email notification that a campaign is 'Pending Approval'. Find more information on this feature HERE.

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  • New - Audience traits for failed campaigns (multiple channels)

    • Audiences

    • You now have the ability to build audiences around users that failed to receive messages from specific campaign IDs, by messaging channels. You'll also have the ability to build audiences around users that have received failed messages (x) times from specific messaging channels.

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  • New - Easier way to see what was changed in the Activity Log

    • Settings > Activity Log

    • AIQ's Activity Log gives you the ability to see who changed what in the platform. If you wanted to see which user added a discount or created a campaign, you can use the Activity Log and filter by date range and user email to see a list of 'activity' by that user. This new visualization feature make it easier to see the 'before' and 'after' of the changes where the 'before' is the red side and the 'after' is the green side with the changes highlighted.

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  • New - 'Points have been zeroed out due to expiration or other loyalty settings' notification on customer Persona

    • Personas

    • If a user's points are depleted down to zero due to expiring per your loyalty settings or if you have any type of 'Hide Med/Rec points' settings enabled, a message will appear on the user's persona profile in your AIQ dashboard via Action > View > Points / Orders > Timeline of events.

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  • New - Audience trait for expiring points with date range filter

    • Audiences

    • If you set a rolling 'X days' points expiration in your Loyalty Settings, you now have the ability to create audiences based on when a user's points are going to expire. A common use case for this would be to set up an ongoing campaign that sends a reminder that a user's points are going to expire in 14, 7, 1 day(s).

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  • Upgrade - Native App code upgraded to optimize functionality

    • Native App

    • There's a lot of backend magic going on to ensure things continue to improve without you even noticing and this is one of those situations. The internal code of the app has been upgraded so you may experience a faster app or you may not notice anything which is totally fine too.


  • New - 'Opt out' traits for Native App Push and Browser Push messages

    • Audiences

    • You now have the ability to build audiences around customers that have opted out of browser push and native app push notifications. You'll be able to build audiences based on boolean logic (True/False) and add in a date range (if needed).

  • New - 'Most commonly bought brand/sku/category' audience traits

    • Audiences

    • You now have the ability to build audiences around commonly purchased brands, SKUs, and categories.

  • New - Points balance 'pill' added to the shop tab in the native app

    • Native app

    • You can now show a customer's points balance in the shop tab of the native app. This feature will need to be enabled in your AIQ Native App settings via a 'Show points in Shop Tab' toggle and require a rebuild of the app. If a customer doesn't have points or you have any of the 'Hide Points...' toggles enabled in your 'Loyalty Settings', the points pill will not be visible.

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  • Fix - Personas now showing correct custom attributes

    • Personas

    • A bug was identified that caused incorrect custom attributes to show on the 'Trait' tab of the persona. If this affected you, we are sorry. If it did not, keep on having a great day.

  • Update - Ability to add a date range and order count to 'Ordered Online" audience trait

    • Audiences

    • Previously, you were only able to see if 'Ordered Online' was true or false. You can now add an order count and date range to the audience for deeper online ordering data segmentation.


  • New - Day of last purchase, Last purchase amount audience traits

    • Audiences

    • You now have the ability to create audiences around the day of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed...) as well as the ability to create audiences around the $ amount of their last purchase.

  • New - Valid Mailing Address audience trait

    • Audiences

    • You now have the ability to create audiences that have a valid mailing address. A 'valid' address contains first name, last name, street, city, state, zip code, and country. If a contact is missing any of these then the address will be considered invalid or false. This is useful when using AIQ's Direct Mail tool to avoid sending postcards to invalid addresses.

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  • New - 'Refer-a-friend' link from digital wallet

    • Loyalty > Wallet

    • Your customers now have an easier way to send their 'refer-a-friend' link to friends, family, and if they have a cool employer, their colleagues. Click on the 'Refer a Friend' button at the top of the digital wallet and you'll now see three little dots (...). Click on this to open the messaging app on your device and it'll preload your unique 'refer-a-friend' link that you can send to any and all your contacts.

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  • New - 'Opened Native Push from Campaign ID' audience trait

    • Audiences

    • You can now create an audience of customers that have opened a native app push notification from a specific campaign ID. Find the ID on the main Campaigns page under the 'ID' column.

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  • New - 'Enable automatic emails opt-outs for hard bounces' setting

    • Settings > Account Settings

    • Enabling this toggle will automatically opt out emails that are misspelled, are no longer active, are fake, etc. This helps protect your email reputation by automatically excluding emails that cause a 'hard bounce'.

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  • New - 'Opt-out' date trait for SMS and Email

    • Audiences

    • You can now create an audience around the date a customer opted out of SMS and/or email.

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