- The AIQ team
AIQ updates for July 29th, 2022
New features, optimizations and bug fixes from July 29th, 2022.
New - {{favoriteStoreDisclaimer}} macro added for use in campaign
If you have location-specific rules or guidelines you want automatically added to a message, use the new { favoriteStoreDisclaimer } macro. To set up this macro, head to Settings > Retail Stores > Edit (pencil icon) > Add copy to the "Disclaimer" field > Save store. The copy will be added based on that customer's "favorite store".
New - Now showing "All time Top 20%" Cutoff on Mission Control page
Mission control
We've added the dollar amount threshold a customer needs to be above to full into the pre-loaded Top 20% audience. If a customer's lifetime spend is above the All time top 20% cutoff amount found on your Mission control page, they'll fall into the Top 20% spender audience.

Bug fix - {{favoriteStoreGoogle}} macro
Campaign builder > Personalization
Push customers to leave a Google Review using the {{favoriteStoreGoogle}} macro. When added to a campaign, this macro will generate a link to the customer's "favorite store".